This weekend we celebrated
Jaxon's second birthday a little early, tomorrow he actually be two. We had two parties the same day, one was in the morning at Chuck-E-Cheese with just family including Uncle Chad :) and
Jaxon's future girl friend
Chloee and later on had a second party at our home with our "Air Force family".
Jaxon was such a turd that day, I don't know if he just didn't like being in the limelight or if it was the terrible two's starting a week early but holy cow he was unhappy. The whole day the lyrics "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to" rang through my head. He did NOT want to open gifts, he did NOT want to sit by his cake and blow out the candles, he did NOT want to be bothered. His sisters were more than happy to open his gifts for him. Mikayla even went as far as jumping up and down and screaming when she opened a movie he had gotten. At least someone was excited! He eventually warmed up to his gifts and at Chuck-E-Cheese refused to let go of his dino puzzle and at home refused to give up his cars laptop and ended up holding it while blowing out his candles. I just wish I hadn't gone through all the trouble to throw him two parties when he didn't want them. Maybe next year we will do a little less.