Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lemon challenge

So late last night Zach and I were unable to sleep and somehow started talking about lemons. Somewhere in that conversation Zach stated that there was no way I could eat a whole lemon without throwing up (sorry too much info). There was no way I was going to back down from that, I mean come on, lemons are small right? So I decided we should bet on it and he decides I should do it for a dollar, are you kidding me? That wasn't good enough so I said if I could eat one he would have to eat two. Today I let him pick out the lemons and not knowing at the time he picked out three of the biggest lemons not thinking he would have to eat any hahaha boy was he wrong. We decided to video tape this totally awesome challenge so no one can ever say I didn't do it.

I cut my lemon up into five pieces, after eating the first one I was already gagging. Who knew lemons would do that? After reaching the third one I was shaking and just trying to control the gagging reflex. There was no way I was going to stop and not let Zach experience the pain. By the time I reached the last one Zach was freaking out knowing I was about to conquer the lemon. Surprise I actually finished it!! I just have to say I felt really bad for this baby and I will NEVER do that again. The absolute best part was watching Zach choke down his two hahaha! I have to say, Zach might rethink the next time he challenges me, I'm not one to give up!


Sandie said...

Way to go Chrissy!!!! ha,ha I could just picture it! You go girl!

The Picketts said...

Nice! funny funny!

Amy said...

LOL this is the funniest story ever! Ha, I love it! And I love that he had to eat two! :)